Denmark 🇩🇰

Your nickname and age:

MeanKitteh: I’m MeanKitteh, 25 years old.
Bára: My name is Bára and I’m 28 years old.
Miyuki: I’m Miyuki, also known as Leonora Libra, and I’m 27 years old.

How did you discover cosplay and what made you start in this hobby? How long ago?

M: I was invited by a group of friends to join them to a convention and then I bought my own cosplay, but saw so many awesome costumes people made themselves and got inspired with my creative soul to try and make my own and now got a deep passion for it <3

B: I discovered it around 2008 where I just searched “Best cosplay 2008” on youtube and stared in wonder at the slideshows of all these incredible people and their cosplay. It just seemed like exactly the right thing for a girl, who loved fantasy and all things nerdy to try out.
Mi: My friend’s cousin went to a local convention and came back and told us about it. Two years before that, my friends and I had dressed up as characters from Naruto, because we wanted to play as them and make videos. This was back in 2005.

Why did you choose your project for the ICL preselection? Is this your first time joining an international cosplay competition?

M: I chose this one because I really wanted to make this design from this series I love and was making it and wanted to try to use this for the preselection and have fun. This is not my first time participating in an international competition. My first was in 2017 at Cosplay World Masters in Portugal and after that I have been to Clara Cow’s Cosplay Cup in Netherlands and European Cosplay Gathering in France.

B & Mi: We initially had three different projects in mind, but ended up choosing Final Fantasy 13 as our
base, because our idea for the performance worked the best. Furthermore, Fang and Vanille are close friends, badasses, but also kind hearted and strong. We both value these traits and choosing this project we could show tribute to them the best way we know how! Bára was a part of Team Denmark for ECG in 2014 and Miyuki was a part of Team Denmark for Clara Cow’s Cosplay Cup in 2015 and of Team Denmark for CICAF in 2017.

What does cosplay mean for you? And what is your favorite part of the hobby?

M: It means a lot to me. So much that I end up pushing my life aside sometimes, haha. It helps me find joy and find myself and gives me confidence. It helps me to go out and be productive and challenge myself and explore. It has also broufght me to get a lot of friends and meet new people and see and experience new places and events, like this one! Which is so exciting! One of my favorite things is to search for materials to fit my costume and also when I wear the costume to share my passion with others and be  able to be in the character and use some acting is quite fun!

B: Cosplay is the hobby that I can express myself creatively and personally in ways I haven’t found before. Every character is my handywork, but also a part of who I am, just some small part that I recognize in them and in myself. So by cosplaying, I’m being creative and expressive at the same time. My favorite part of cosplay is when I can use cheap (or thrifted, or even free) material in unconventional manners to create something amazing.
Mi: For me, cosplay is my playground, my sanctuary. Where I can go and be creative in a million different ways, and it’s my creative outlet in an otherwise busy and stressful everyday. My favorite part of cosplay is the social aspect of it!

What do you expect from your visit to Spain? Is this your first time visiting the country?

M: I hope to have a lot of fun, meet people and share my passion! And to explore at a new convention and maybe see some of Madrid~ I have been to Spain a couple of times for some of the best vacations I have been on in my early days as child and early teens! Hope travel again to this lovely country!

B & Mi: Yes, for both of us actually! We expect to have a great time, to meet people, all around the world, who all share this incredible hobby. We also expect some lovely Spanish weather and cuisine!

Have you decided your project for the finals in Madrid? Can you give us a clue?

M: Since I have been selected only one and a half month away from the finals date, I will bring my cosplay from the preselection with some new stuff!

B & Mi: We have! It’s two beautiful, strong women, is all we’ll say.

Describe the cosplay community in your country using five words.

M: Supporting. Caring. Sharing. Loving. Humour.

B & Mi: Creative, kind, open minded, helpful, supportive.

MeanKitteh | Bára | Leonora Libra