USA 🇺🇸


We’re Elle (38) and Ash (36), together we are La Vie Cosplay

La Vie Cosplay is a multi-talented duo focused on entertainment and education. They began their fandom adventure in 1999, meeting in the masquerade scene of long ago. LVC has extensive experience in professional performance as well as craftsmanship and competition. They take pride in their entertainment content and emcee work including the hit comedy podcast, Sh*t Cosplayers Say, which covers the chaos found in fandom and con-going life.

How did you discover cosplay and what made you start in this hobby? How long ago?

We started back in 1999, when anime was still a well-kept secret. We heard about conventions and dressing as your favorite characters. After one convention we were hooked. We began competing due to our love of performance and this love has grown every year with each passing adventure.

Why did you choose Magi as your project for the ICL preselection? 

Magi is a true anime classic. The characters of Judar and Kougyoku Ren play to our performance strengths and allowed us to incorporate one of our favorite musicals, Into The Woods. The costumes themselves have hidden construction complexities but would still be easy to transport overseas.

Is this your first time joining an international cosplay competition?

This is our first international competition and hopefully not our last.

What does cosplay mean for you? And what is your favorite part of the hobby?

Elle: Cosplay to me is an outlet of self expression and performance. I am a theater person at heart and it is the bit of theatre that still fits into my very busy adult life. Cosplay is also a sense of  belonging and community.

Ash: Cosplay is an ever evolving artform. As a long-time maker, I have been able to grow and learn to express myself in different ways through this art. Cosplay is for everyone, whether you are a maker, a model, a professional, a hobbyist, a designer, a fan, any combination of the above and more, as well as anywhere in between. We’re all just nerds in costume.

Were you selected before the pandemic? If so, how did it affect your motivation and project for the finale? 

Elle: We were selected right before the pandemic began in November of 2019. Our lives have changed drastically since then. Both of our jobs are heavily impacted by the pandemic. Burn out has been a bigger factor for me more than motivation. So much is happening in life. We experienced ICL getting canceled twice which made it hard to move forward combined with other life stresses. We also started our podcast Sh*t Cosplayers Say during the pandemic and it has taken off adding another level of responsibility to our lives. We are happy to finally be here though!

Ash: Like Elle mentioned, burn out has been huge. We were both deemed essential workers and I was working 10-20 hours of week in overtime during the height of the pandemic. My husband and I also welcomed a baby during the pandemic, which Elle and I have jokingly dubbed as our “Executive Producer” for our podcast, after his numerous commentaries in the background starting with Season 2. Finding balance between a baby, my job, the podcast, cosplay, and conventions has been an ongoing exercise and learning experience.

What do you expect from your visit to Spain? Is this your first time visiting the country?

Elle: This is my first time outside of the United States ever! I am very excited to experience a new country and see what Spain has to offer. And to eat all the food.

Ash: This is my first time to Spain! I’m very excited to experience Japan Weekend and a new style of conventions from what I’m used to as well as bonding with the rest of the ICL teams. After the competition, I’m eager to experience what Spain and Madrid have to offer, especially in terms of food & drink, architecture and history.

Have you decided your project for the finals in Madrid? Can you give us a clue?

We decided to not mess with a good thing. You will be seeing upgraded and re-engineered versions of our original costumes including the wig that is as big as Elle.

Describe the cosplay community in your country using five words.

Vast, unpredictable, competitive, creative, evolving

You can follow La Vie Cosplay on:


Caitie, Age 33.

A cosplayer and wig stylist who resides in the magnificent mitten state surrounded be gorgeous freshwater lakes known for their beauty! A true lover of all things Disney, Zelda, and Horizon Zero Dawn, it’s not uncommon to find me engrossed in something that falls within at least one of those three things!

How did you discover cosplay and what made you start in this hobby? How long ago?

I began cosplaying 7 years ago when I attended my first convention. I had heard about cosplay competitions through Facebook, and it was this reason that I wanted to attend my first convention. I had been sewing my own costumes for a few years and thought it would be fun to try my hand in a competition setting. Needless to say, I was hooked and have been competing ever since!

Why did you choose Zelda as your project for the ICL preselection? Is this your first time joining an international cosplay competition?

The moment I saw Hannah Alexander’s design for Zelda, I was floored. It was absolutely gorgeous! I loved that it had the hard and soft with flowing fabrics and a small armor element. I also looked at this costume as a challenge. I knew the fabrics, in the color scheme that they were, would not be able to be purchased. I would have to dye them myself. I had also never really worked with armor, so this costume was definitely something that was going to be a welcome challenge!

This is not the first international cosplay for me. I was part of Team USA for Clara Cow’s Cosplay Cup in 2018.

What does cosplay mean for you? And what is your favorite part of the hobby?

Cosplay for me is a chance to escape. As I’m sure it is for a lot of cosplayers. It allows me to step out of reality and into a realm of fantasy where I can be someone else while I’m in costume. It gives me a chance to feel beautiful and powerful, and proud of myself for what I’m able to produce when it comes to my costumes and props.

My favorite part of the hobby would have to be the creation of each piece! I enjoy learning new techniques and watching it all come together in the end!

Were you selected before the pandemic? If so, how did it affect your motivation and project for the finale? 

Yes! While my journey to being selected was a bit different (I actually came in second, but the winner had to drop out, putting me in their place).
When the pandemic hit, it was right after a convention for me that everything shut down. It was depressing, and I couldn’t look at or do anything with cosplay during that time. It took me about a year and a half to actually touch something that had to do with cosplay.
Now that finals are within our sights, the crunch is on to get those upgrades done!

What do you expect from your visit to Spain? Is this your first time visiting the country?

Yes it’s my first time!! But I’ve heard so many wonderful things! I think I’m most excited to meet new people and see all of the beautiful architecture!

Have you decided your project for the finals in Madrid? Can you give us a clue?

Yes, My final’s project will be an upgraded version of my selection costume.

Describe the cosplay community in your country using five words.

I feel like it’s kind of difficult to sum up the USA cosplay community in Five words, but if I had to choose,
Competitive, Creative, Welcoming, Challenging, Awesome!

Follow Caitie on Instagram:

Team U.S.A. was selected at Youmacon (November 2019)